Prime example of a transformation (1/2)
An extraordinary interview that we expanded to two parts: Jens Michael Peters is CEO of eprimo. It’s the really big topics that he brought us. Change is shaping our environment. And this continuously more frequent and faster. Crisis like covid19, the turmoil in the energy markets or the war in the Ukraine are impacting our lives and organizations. How can we deal with this change and take the challenge as an opportunity?
Eprimo, nearly 15 years old is, compared to his competitors, a relatively young company, supplying its 1,7mio plus customers in Germany with green energy. The importance and impact of subjects like energy and digital have been growing for all of us. Disruptive events like covid or the global energy crisis have accelerated the need for adaption, especially for companies in the energy sector. In one case mobile usage of digital services has more than doubled, in 18 months. And prices for energy have exploded in the last months, being more volatile than ever. Direction, speed and resilience are factors of success to master such challenges. Eprimo takes these challenges as opportunity for growth for and together with its customers. Eprimos purpose „green energy for everyone – individual, simple and affordable“ plays a key role within the transformation.
René Esteban talks to Jens Michael Peters about customer expectaions in the age of digitalisation. Purpose, ambitions, ownership and personal development are the keywords of this episode, part one.
Only available in German for now.