Podcast_Klaus Bischoff_What makes a leader

    Due to the big demand, we have started a special edition in English with Klaus Bischoff on Leadership. In this podcast episode of Transformation Leaders, Klaus (former EVP at DAX40 Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany) will share his personal view on what makes a leader.

    In a nutshell: 14 traits, characteristics, and responsibilities any leader should know and make use of. Here they are: 

    1. Formulates and communicates the vision and shows the way
    2. Is authentic, an authentic leader has (moral) authority
    3. Seeks feedback from the organization & incorporates feedback for his decision
    4. Gives feedback and fosters performance & provides abundant coaching
    5. Is transparent – Explains reasons for decisions even difficult ones
    6. Empowers and Delegates responsibility – Empowerment means Trust – has controls in place
    7. Gets the right people on board
    8. Thinks out of the box
    9. Has courage and takes calculated risk
    10. Keeps the entire organization in mind
    11. Is disciplined
    12. Develops people / likes to see his people developing
    13. Accepts failure and ensures learnings from mistakes are implemented
    14. Lonely on the top is real – At some time leaders are alone

    What is your take on it? What would you add or even another opinion? We are looking forward to your feedback.

    Special edition in English